Take our test
Find out your Dosha and discover the perfect yoga practice, diet, herbs, wellness products and lifestyle choices to help you blossom into health, vibrancy and well being.
Dosha Test
The moment of your conception a very unique arrangement of the building blocks of life came together to create a code for your mind and body type. Your constitution. This is something that is as unique as your fingertip. We as humans are so beautiful in our variety but that means that we need different things to find balance. You may have tried a diet or wellness fad that worked great for you but not for a friend. Or a friend told you about something that made them feel great but made you feel awful. Lots of people claiming the secret to perfect skin and beauty but when you try it makes things worse? This is because different constitutions require different things to find perfect health and balance. Learn your constitution to get a simple roadmap to wellbeing customized just for you. Get healthy skin, vibrant immunity, healthy weight, relaxed mind, and peaceful existence. Take our complementary dosha test.
There are three doshas that can be singularly high in a person (dosha) or combine to form di-doshic (two doshas) or tridoshic (three doshas).
The three doshas are VATA PITTA KAPHA find out what you have by taking the quiz below.
Take the test twice-
Test One- Prakruti - The Constitution You Were Born with
Instructions: Answer these questions based on how you've felt your whole life
Body size | Slim | Medium | Large | |||
Body weight | Slim | Medium | Large | |||
Chin | Thin, angular | Tapering | Rounded, double | |||
Cheeks | Wrinkled, sunken | Smooth flat | Rounded, plump | |||
Eyes | Small, dry, active, black, brown, nervous | Sharp, bright, gray, green, yellow/red, sensitive to light | Big, beautiful, blue, calm, loving | |||
Nose | Uneven shape, deviated septum | Long pointed, red nose-tip | Short rounded, button nose | |||
Lips | Dry, cracked, black.brown tinge | Red, inflamed, yellowish | Smooth, oily, pale, whitish | |||
Teeth | Stick out, big, roomy, thin gums | Medium, soft, tender gums | Healthy, white, strong gums | |||
Skin | Thin, dry, cold, rough, dark | Smooth, oily, warm, rosy | Thick, oily, cool, white, pale | |||
Hair | Dry, brown, black, knotted, brittle, scarce | Straight, oily, blond, gray, red, bald | Thick, curly, oily, wavy, luxuriant | |||
Nails | Dry, rough, brittle, break easily | Sharp, flexible, pink, lustrous | Thick, oily, smooth, polished | |||
Neck | Thin, long | Medium | Big, folded | |||
Upper Chest (not bust) | Flat, sunken | Moderate | Expanded, round | |||
Belly | Thin, flat, sunken | Moderate | Wide, Pot bellied | |||
Belly-button | Small, irregular, herniated | Oval, superficial | Big, deep, round, stretched | |||
Hips | Wrinkled, sunken | Smooth flat | Rounded, plump | |||
Joints | Cold, cracking | Moderate | Large, lubricated | |||
Appetite | Irregular, scantly | Strong, unbearable | Slow but steady | |||
Digestion | sometimes loose, sometimes constipated | Quick, causes burning | slow to digest, forms mucous | |||
Taste Cravings | Sweet, sour, salty | Sweet, bitter, astringent | Bitter, pungent, astringent | |||
Thirst | sometimes very thirsty sometimes not thirsty | very thirsty | not very thirsty | |||
Elimination | Constipation | Loose | Thick, oily, sluggish, hard to evacuate | |||
Physical Activity | Hyperactive | Moderate | under active | |||
Mental Activity | Hyperactive | Moderate | Dull, slow | |||
Emotions under stress | anxiety, worry, fear, uncertainty | Anger, hate, jealousy | calm, hoarder, very attached and greedy | |||
Faith in divinity | Variable | Extremist | Consistent | |||
Mental Responsiveness | Quick but faulty response | Accurate response | Slow, exact | |||
Memory | short term memory is good but long term memory is bad | vivid memory | slower to memorize but remembers forever once digested | |||
Dreams | Quick, active, many, fearful, anxiety | Fiery, war, violence | Lakes, snow, romantic, peaceful, calm | |||
Sleep | Scanty, broken up, insomnia | Little but sound | Deep, prolonged | |||
Speech | Rapid, unclear, quick | Sharp, penetrating | Slow, monotonous | |||
Money | hard to save money- likes to shop and spend on anything interesting to them | can save some but does like to spend money on luxurious items | very good at saving money |
Take the test twice-
Test Two - Vikruti Current Imbalance
Instructions:Answer these questions according to what's been going on with you the past two weeks
Body size | Slim | Medium | Large | |||
Body weight | Slim | Medium | Large | |||
Chin | Thin, angular | Tapering | Rounded, double | |||
Cheeks | Wrinkled, sunken | Smooth flat | Rounded, plump | |||
Eyes | Small, dry, active, black, brown, nervous | Sharp, bright, gray, green, yellow/red, sensitive to light | Big, beautiful, blue, calm, loving | |||
Nose | Uneven shape, deviated septum | Long pointed, red nose-tip | Short rounded, button nose | |||
Lips | Dry, cracked, black.brown tinge | Red, inflamed, yellowish | Smooth, oily, pale, whitish | |||
Teeth | Stick out, big, roomy, thin gums | Medium, soft, tender gums | Healthy, white, strong gums | |||
Skin | Thin, dry, cold, rough, dark | Smooth, oily, warm, rosy | Thick, oily, cool, white, pale | |||
Hair | Dry, brown, black, knotted, brittle, scarce | Straight, oily, blond, gray, red, bald | Thick, curly, oily, wavy, luxuriant | |||
Nails | Dry, rough, brittle, break easily | Sharp, flexible, pink, lustrous | Thick, oily, smooth, polished | |||
Neck | Thin, long | Medium | Big, folded | |||
Upper Chest (not bust) | Flat, sunken | Moderate | Expanded, round | |||
Belly | Thin, flat, sunken | Moderate | Wide, Pot bellied | |||
Belly-button | Small, irregular, herniated | Oval, superficial | Big, deep, round, stretched | |||
Hips | Wrinkled, sunken | Smooth flat | Rounded, plump | |||
Joints | Cold, cracking | Moderate | Large, lubricated | |||
Appetite | Irregular, scantly | Strong, unbearable | Slow but steady | |||
Digestion | sometimes loose, sometimes constipated | Quick, causes burning | slow to digest, forms mucous | |||
Taste Cravings | Sweet, sour, salty | Sweet, bitter, astringent | Bitter, pungent, astringent | |||
Thirst | sometimes very thirsty sometimes not thirsty | very thirsty | not very thirsty | |||
Elimination | Constipation | Loose | Thick, oily, sluggish, hard to evacuate | |||
Physical Activity | Hyperactive | Moderate | under active | |||
Mental Activity | Hyperactive | Moderate | Dull, slow | |||
Emotions under stress | anxiety, worry, fear, uncertainty | Anger, hate, jealousy | calm, hoarder, very attached and greedy | |||
Faith in divinity | Variable | Extremist | Consistent | |||
Mental Responsiveness | Quick but faulty response | Accurate response | Slow, exact | |||
Memory | short term memory is good but long term memory is bad | vivid memory | slower to memorize but remembers forever once digested | |||
Dreams | Quick, active, many, fearful, anxiety | Fiery, war, violence | Lakes, snow, romantic, peaceful, calm | |||
Sleep | Scanty, broken up, insomnia | Little but sound | Deep, prolonged | |||
Speech | Rapid, unclear, quick | Sharp, penetrating | Slow, monotonous | |||
Money | hard to save money- likes to shop and spend on anything interesting to them | can save some but does like to spend money on luxurious items | very good at saving money |